Thursday, May 27, 2010

wasting time

"...hence, Saint Francis Borgia was careful to employ every moment of his time for God. When others spoke of useless things, he conversed with God by holy affections: and so recollected was he, that, when asked his opinion on the subject of a conversation, he knew not what answer to make. Being corrected for this, he said: I am content to be considered stupid, rather than lose my time in vanities."

"Saint Bernardine weeps over the blindness of those negligent Christians, who squander the days of salvation, and never consider that a day once lost shall never return. "Transeunt dies, salutis et nemo recogitat sibi perire diem et nunquam rediturum" - Serm. ad Scholar. At the hour of death they shall wish for another year, or for another day; but they shall not have it: they shall then be told that time shall be no more. What price would they not then give for another week, for a day, or even for an hour, to prepare the account which they must then render to God?"

from sermon XXIV for the third Sunday after Easter by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori