What is this Salvation of which we talk so much? this soul? this Eternity? Is it true that I am sent into the world onely to secure it? is it true that I am undone if I do not secure it, though I should gain the whole world? is it true and do I indeed believe that the business of my Salvation is the greatest business I can have? That is is indeed my only business? That nothing else deserves my care? that this requires all my application, and alone depends on it? if I do not believe this I am lost forever; and if I do believe it, do not I deserve to be severely punish'd for my indifference, which degenerates into a downright contempt of Salvation?
Do I apply my selfe to this great business? am I much concern'd about it? And what ground have I to hope for sucess while I take so little pains? should not I conclude a man ruin'd if he minded his temporal business no more than I do this difficult, this important business of Salvation?
from Christian Reflections by Fr. Jean Croiset