"Whensoever a man desires any thing inordinately, he is presently disquieted within himself. The proud and covetous are nevery easy. The poor and humble of spirit live in much peace. The man that is not yet perfectly dead to himself, is soon tempted and overcome with small and trifling things.
He that is weak in spirit, and in a manner yet carnal and inclined to sensible things, can hardly withdraw himself wholly from earthly desires.
And therefore he is often sad, when he withdraws himself from them, and is easily moved to anger if anyone thwarts him.
2. And if he has pursued his inclination, he is immediately tormented with the guilty of his conscience, because he has followed his passion, which helps him not at all toward the peace he sought for.
It is then by resisting our passions, that we are to find true peace of heart, and not by being slaves to them. There is no peace, therefore, in the heart of a carnal man, no in a man that is addicted to outward things; but only in a fervent spiritual man."
from The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis